Looking for Traffic? Companies frequently spend thousands developing a new website only to be disappointed when the world didn’t beat a path to their virtual door. While getting traffic is a fairly simple process, attracting visitors that truly engage with your website resulting in a lead or sale is another challenge completely. FranFocus can quickly identify your top sources of traffic based upon engagement metrics and conversion rates, as well as eliminating sources that are clearly not your ideal visitors. We are also certified pay-per-click (PPC) experts using search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo!, as well as social platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.
How do Visitors become Leads? Optimizing websites and local landing pages to improve lead conversions is not a one-time event, but an on-going process of measuring what works against something new to continually improve results, increase lead flow and lower your average cost per lead (CPL). Our tests may be as simple as changing the color of a “Learn More” button, or adding subtitles to a video, or reducing the size of a contact form, but every experiment we conduct is documented to help us improve ROI compared to the prior month, year after year.
It’s not about the lead – it’s about the award: So many marketing firms focus on impressions or clicks or visits or even leads. That’s not what matters! With a comprehensive understanding of your best traffic sources, delivering valid leads and resulting in more franchise awards, we can tap these sources for more leads in different markets very easily that result in sales. Many will not take the time to track the entire pipeline leading all the way to franchise award or online sale, but integrating traffic source and campaign source data within your CRM will be a primary objective if we are to fully understand true return on where your sales and franchise awards come from.