What is a Franchise Validation Website?
A franchise validation website (FVW) is usually five to seven web pages on a unique “franchise” domain that conveys specifics about an opportunity by including a brief history of the brand, the financial investment required (item seven), the potential return (item 19), the geographic markets a brand is targeting for expansion, details about the industry, training and support systems and a simple contact form for visitors to “Learn More”. The purpose of a FVW is to allow all visitors to learn a great deal about a brand and validate themselves before inquiring further with your development team.
What is a Local Landing Page?
Local Landing Pages (LLPs) are created to align with the target markets your brand has identified for future expansion for demographic, competitive, logistical or validational reasons. We connect our local traffic generation campaigns with your local landing pages to achieve the best possible lead generation conversion rates, then automatically send these leads to your franchise validation website so your development staff are only working with educated, motivated and self-validated candidates who are also focused on your target markets.
For over 20 years we have been developing and optimizing web content that compels opportunity seekers, generating over one million leads and thousands of franchise awards, truly helping brands GROW. Experience has demonstrated that franchise validation content and local landing pages serve strategic purposes and we can help optimize your existing assets while quickly deploying new tools that will expand your brand by turning targeted visitors into future franchisees. Whether you have a marketing team already in place or need a team with franchise development experience, FranFocus can exponentially shift the results you see each month.